Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe. Eurostudent 8 Synopsis of Indicators 2021-2024

The social dimension of higher education (HE) has played an important role in the Bologna Process of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) since it was chosen as a central theme in the Prague Communiqué (2001) at the beginning of this millennium. With the Rome Communiqué (2020), the ministers responsible for higher education in the EHEA have reinforced the importance of the social dimension by adopting principles and guidelines which should guide member states on how to define and implement policy for improving the social dimension of the EHEA (Annex II to the Rome Communiqué, 2020).

According to this document, the main objective of the social dimension is “that the composition of the student body entering, participating in and completing higher education at all levels should correspond to the heterogeneous social profile of society at large in the EHEA countries”. Furthermore, “the social dimension encompasses creation of inclusive environment in higher education that fosters equity, diversity, and is responsive to the needs of local communities” (Annex II to the Rome Communiqué, 2020). In its Modernisation Agenda for Higher Education, the European Commission also defined “building inclusive and connected higher education systems” as a priority for action (European Commission, 2017).